They also use their crest to communicate emotion. Their primary method of communication is their screeching voices. Sulphur-crested cockatoos are noisy birds. ( Berra, 1998 Dobbs and Highfill, 2003) Communication and Perception Sulphur-crested cockatoos remain in the same general area year round. ( Cody, 1993 Forshaw, 2002)Ĭacatua galerita often travel long distances in a day to forage, almost always returning to their original roost site. The cacophony created by a large flock of sulphur-crested cockatoos can be deafening.

galerita is very loud it is meant to travel great distances through the forested environment. Sulfur-crested cockatoos generally stay sheltered during the middle of the day, resuming feeding in late afternoon and evening before drinking and returning to roost. Feeding is often done on the ground, and in such situations some of the flock will be sentry birds in trees, and alert the flock of approaching danger. When foraging for food these large flocks will often split into small groups, coming together again at the evening roost site.

( Bell, 1969 "", 1991)Ĭacatua galerita is a gregarious species, often forming flocks of a dozen to several hundred birds. In captivity, sulphur-crested cockatoos that are well-cared for can live for 65 years on average and up to 120 years. Average lifespan is about 40 years, but they can live up to 100 years.

Sulphur-crested cockatoos can live for decades in the wild. post-independence association with parents.( Dobbs and Highfill, 2003 Forshaw, 2002) Once the eggs hatch, chicks are fed by both parents. Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male) 3 to 4 yearsīoth parents incubate their clutch.Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female) 3 to 4 years.Breeding season Sulphur-crested cockatoos breed between August and January in the southern parts of their range and between May and September in the northern parts of their range.Breeding interval Sulphur crested cockatoos breed once yearly.gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate).Both male and female Cacatua galerita reach reproductive maturity around the age of 3 to 4 years. Family units will remain together indefinitely. Offspring will leave the nest after this 70 day period but will remain with the parents year round. Fledging generally occurs at approximately 70 days. Eggs hatch after an incubation period of 27 to 30 days. They breed once yearly, producing a clutch containing 2 to 3 white oval eggs. They generally nest in a high tree hollow, usually near water. In the northern parts of their range, sulphur-crested cockatoos breed from May to September, whereas birds in the southern parts of their range breed from August to January. Before mating, the birds usually preen each other's plumage. Signs of courtship include raising of the crest, bobbing of the head, and moving the head from side to side in a figure-of-eight pattern while uttering soft chattering notes. Sulphur-crested cockatoos are monogamous birds. Average basal metabolic rate 3.419 W AnAge.( "Australian Museum", 2003 Bell, 1969 Dobbs and Highfill, 2003) triton both average smaller in overall size than C. galerita in having a pale blue eye ring instead of white, the yellow feathers are slightly darker, and the crest feathers are longer. Cacatua galerita fitzroyi differs from C. There are four subspecies of sulphur-crested cockatoos. Females and males are similar in appearance (monomorphic) however, females can be identified at close range by their red tinted brown eyes, whereas males have darker brown eyes. The underside of their wings and tail is pale yellow. Sulphur-crested cockatoos are white with a distinctive sulphur-yellow crest which can be erected or held folded down on top of head. Sulphur-crested cockatoos are large birds, measuring 45 to 50 centimeters in length. Sulphur-crested cockatoos also occur in suburban and urban areas, especially in parks and gardens. They are also found in the vast savannas of northern Australia. Sulphur-crested cockatoos dwell in a variety of timbered habitats such as tropical and subtropical rainforests. It has been introduced to western Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea. Cacatua galerita is native to the Australian Region and occurs in large numbers in the north and east of Australia.